
BagTag pricing

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Bagtag challenges tracking functionality and statistics are available for any group of players, but it's mostly targeted for clubs having their own bagtags. This page will describe the payment scheme related to bagtags.

Payment scheme

Bagtag feature has a small fee. Current payment scheme is as follows:

  • starting fee of 50€ which includes 50 players for a year
  • at the end of the your, 1€/player, if more than 50
  • after first year, recurring yearly fee is 1€ per player without a fixed starting fee


1) Small club with 25 players, using bagtags for two years

  • 50€ Setup fee when starting the bagtag challenge
  • After first year, no extra invoices, since less than 50 players
  • After second year, invoice of 25€ sent to bagtag contact person or invoicing account

2) Bigger club with 75 players, using bagtags for 3 years

  • 50€ Setup fee when starting the bagtag challenge
  • After first year, 25€ additional invoice, since 25 players more than the included 50
  • After second year, invoice of 75€ sent to bagtag contact person or invoicing account
  • After third year, invoice of 75€ sent to bagtag contact person or invoicing account


  • Clubs can create invoicing accounts to receive invoices as a club or organization instead of an individual player
  • First invoice is sent soon after bagtag is setup into Metrix
  • Second (and following) invoices will be sent after a year, based on the amount of bagtags in the league.

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